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Letter from Oberndorf

2nd February 1892

Letter from Vienna

25th February 1892

Translation to current German

Translation to current German

Translation into English

Translation into English

Mr. Kornmayer Introduction

Paul Mauser: “Kommerzienrat”

Finding of the letters

Historical context

Görtz, Die Pistole 08

Hermann Historica

NAPCA Auto Mag

Bender Book


Mr. Görtz recollection

The entire set of letters…

Translation into English – Letter from Oberndorf, 2nd February 1892


Highly honored Mr. Kommerzienrat!

I am glad to be able to announce to you that I arrived here yesterday
evening at 10:30 and immediately received a telegram from Mr. Tempini from
Karlsruhe. He informed me that he is travelling from there to Berlin today
and it would please him if he could speak with me even sooner.

That is why I will take the early train of 7:56 via Pforzheim to Karlsruhe
and I hope to return here at 10:30, so that I can speak to you tomorrow

Hoping to meet you in good health, I sign with high regards,

Your honest servant,

Georg Luger

In Hotel Germania




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