Visit to Oberndorf

Introduction and thanks

Waffen Museum

Mauser Buildings

Mauser Family Mausoleum

Important Find

Text Box: When Mauser decided to start again the production of the Parabellum pistols, bought from Waffenfabrik Bern two complete sets of gauges and jigs. It paid some $60.000 for it.
What happens to these tools was not clear to the Collector community until we discover that Mr. Otto Repa, former Mauser quality responsible, save them from the destruction in 2001.
The set is composed by:
1.	A complete gauges set;
2.	A partial second gauges set;
3.	The gauges made by Mauser in the early 70th when discovered that most of the gauges don’t fit with the new production (currently in my collection).

The possibility to analyze these tools has been really exciting.

To have more information about these tools you can contact Mr. Repa:




















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