

I would like to thank everyone who helped me with my book project. I am taking the privilege of displaying various images on this website taken from my book which various important collectors have provided me.

My fellow friends thank you kindly for your valuable contributions.


Paolo Petracco.

Paolo is one of most knowledgeable Italian collectors who I have met. I thank him for his friendship and for all the tips and support, which he has given to me. Grazie mille Paolo!


Emanuele Marcianò.

Coincidentally, I met Emanuele just towards the end of my book project. Although he donated plenty of his guns to the prestigious Beretta Museum, his current collection is still very impressive and interesting - you can only imagine the previous size of his collection!


Paul regnier.

I must not forget Mr. Regnier, and I wish to share the fact that he is the owner of both the Borchardt-Luger serial #6 and the selective-fire LP08 serial #9.

Thanks for your cooperation!


George anderson.

George shares with me the same passion for the LP08, and he makes me feel envious of his most complete LP08 collection. He provided several old pictures of German soldiers carrying the LP08.

Thanks George!


herbert werle.

Mr. Werle provided me several pictures of his beautiful customized pistols. I am very pleased to show his work in my book. Thanks a lot!


forum parabellum

Many thanks to our friends and members of the Luger Forum, in particular to John Sabato, Larry Ellison, John Will, Robert Stadtmiller, Steven Wojtak.


The Luger Forum is an excellent reference point for Luger collectors.


Pictures and information presented on this web site may not be used in whole, or in part, without prior written permission from the author and copyright holder.